Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chubby girl paranoia

I am a recovering tanning bed addict. I used to go 30 minutes a day in a bed and 15 in a booth in the same day, almost every day of the week. As I've aged I began to worry about skin cancer more and wasn't liking what all that tanning was doing to my skin. I do still go to the tanning bed on average about 10 times a year.

In a quest to still get that healthy glow, I have turned to self-tanners. I have used almost all of them. I have had great results with some and not so great results with others. Last year I tried a new one. While entering a movie theater with my husband, I looked down and said what do you think of this color on my legs? He didn't even hesitate with his answer, "It is the color of the rind of muenster cheese". Wow, that wasn't the look I was going for.

So this year, I decided to try the "tanning towel". Yep, I made my first purchase from the old Home Shopping Network. I took the package out and read the same old standard application techniques...loofah, wash your hands after use...then I noticed something toward the bottom. It said tanning towels come in half body or full body in classic or plus. Plus? do they mean like plus size? I didn't see this information on the order form. I only got the classic. So, are they telling me when I open them up they will be tissue size?

Really? Do we have to say plus size? Couldn't they just say small, medium and large? I just feel as a "larger" women we could pick better wording. Plus what? Like plus a hundred lbs? I don't know, maybe it is just me. It could be worse, I mean they could use words like jumbo, or super size.

Well, after ranting for two days about plus size tanning towels, I pulled up the website. Classic is for fair skin...PLUS is for medium to darker skin tones!!! This is what I like to call "chubby girl paranoia". As soon as I see the word plus, I automatically assume it means "plus size". I just kept picturing the plus to mean bath towel size. And, I am happy to say, I was able to get my whole body done with one....however, my application technique needs a little tweeking.
By he way, my running this week was EXTREMELY difficult. I felt like I was running through mud and only did 50 minutes of total jogging this week. Currently, I work out six days a week. I take Sundays off. On Mon-Wed-Fri, I do a whole hour with 20-30 of that being jogging. On Tues, Thur and Saturday, I do at least 30-45 minutes,with 30 minutes being stair stepping on the wii with the step up. So, my legs are really taking a beating. I think that is why it has been so difficult this week. I will continue with this schedule until my legs fall off or it gets easy before I will increase my jogging. Thats all for now!!

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