I love to ask my daugher what she wants to be when she grows up. I like to hear her child-like answers. It takes me back to a time when my brother told my parents he wanted to be a homo. True story. Of course they panicked wondering what this meant. Only to find out he really wanted to be a hobo. He had a little bit of a speech issue!
So I have been thinking back on some of my early aspirations. And I realized one of my first I can remember involved gold. No people not like the Olympics, I had far more important things than merely winning a gold medal. I wanted to be a.....SOLID GOLD DANCER!!! I used to fling myself around on the living room floor and spin and pretend I was dancing to the Top 10 of the week. I pretty much realized that dream would never happen, because the show got cancelled and I was definately didn't have a dancers body. Not because of weight alone, my legs are just too short.
So thinking back about this wonderful goal in life, I decided to pull up some old Solid Gold videos on Youtube. First of all I was a bit shocked. I mean this was a few decade ago and these girls were doing some nasty moves in very little clothing. I didn't remember it that way. I really thought that being a dancer on that show was a classy gig. I mean forget broadway. What kind of professional dancer wouldn't want a chance to throw themselves on the floor and dance to Private Eyes by Hall and Oates? And remember when the music would stop they would put stop and pose and look at the camera? LOVED IT. So another dream lost (sigh). But ah, the memories of that show make me smile.
On a running note, this weeks training has been brutal. This could be due to the fact that my legs are really sore and I am in desperate need of a new sports bra. But, as any well disciplined athlete, I push though!!
Sorry, it should read, I push THROUGH!